Monday, January 26, 2009

Had a emotional bomb land on me today!

Well six months ago today I took my son in to be evaluated. I just knew he wasn't communicating the way he should! I was finally able to get his doctor on board and he referred us to the Neurodevelopmental center for children. They told us then that he had a severe communication delay. So in September he started speech therapy! He went twice a week for three months. He has within the past couple of months started having occupational therapy. This has helped a lot!
So this leads us to today! We met back up with the behavioral developmental pediatrician. She had me fill out this questionnaire while she observed him. She feels after scoring the questionnaire that he has...Autism! She also came to this conclusion by observing him. So now we have to start a whole other game plan. It seems, right now, like such a huge hill to climb and I'll be honest a little over whelming! I know that God picked Rusty and I to be his parents. He wouldn't give us anything we couldn't handle. All we can do is take it one step at a time and gain as many tools as possible so we can help him overcome this.
So to any who read this...if you have any helpful advise or any good books to read please let us know!!! We really want to educate ourselves to better help our son!!


  1. Hey, it must have been hard to get that news. Do you know what that means, then? Every obstical he overcomes will be twise as rewarding! It must be some sort of ACUTE autism, cause I really don't see what they could have concluded just by watching him. He seems perfectly normal, just a little quiet, that's all. I'll keep my ears open for any information you might find helpful. Ttyl

  2. Hi Misty, I first met you on Myspace and have kept you a friend on there to keep up with your life as we are both mommies in the portland area.
    I too have struggled with many issues concerning my 5 yr old son. We have been in the process of evaluations and observations for quite some time now, and just now after starting all this last September am getting information from Dr's and Occ. Therapist and counselor that they are thinking my son has more of a learning disability than the original diagnosis of Aspergers.
    Autism was a scary word for us to hear as well. I like to be very involved in my son's progress and therapy options, and have read tons of books on Autism Spectrum disorders. It has helped me feel more in control of our situation. I also found lots of websites for people in OR dealing Autism and the Spectrum disorders. Do a google search for OR Autism. I never contacted any of them b/c I just never felt that he truly had that. But it was nice to see so much help out there for people dealing with the disorder.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you. You will find that you will be your child's biggest advocate in all this. Keep up the good work and be sure to take care of you too.

  3. I am sorry to hear this. I don't know you or your family other than myspace, but I can imagine that you are a strong family and you'll take it all one day at a time and get through this and help your son and others.
    Hugs from Rebecca in NC :)

  4. I found 2 of the websites that have encouraged me. Hope they help you too. Much love and prayer to you and your family.
