This was his favorite!
So CUTE!!!
Finally getting to go home!! Yay!!!
Well some of you already know this but on Thursday January 15th I went to pick my son up from preschool only to find out he was wheezing, pretty bad I might add! When I dropped him off that morning he only had a runny nose, so this surprised me to say the least! So when the kids and I got home I gave him a nebulizer treatment. I waited a while to see if it would work for him and it did not. It had been a hour by this point so I gave him another one. That one didn't work either! So I of course gave his doctor's office a call and they told me to bring him in. His appt was at 4:20. When we got there they gave him a nebulizer treatment. Didn't work! Gave him another, didn't work either! They were concerned that he was having such a hard time breathing that they sent us over to Providence Milwaukie Hospital ER! By this point I had already talked to Rusty and told him what was going on. He ended up meeting us over at the hospital. Thank God for that! My daughter, I love her to death, but she can be attention greedy on a normal day so when you add little brother needing more attention then usual she goes on overdrive lol! I try my best of course to show her some because it is hard when your this age but having dad in the picture helped out alot! I was thankful this just happened to take place around the time he got off work! He would have totally left work if I needed him but I try to do as much as possible on my own.
Well some of you already know this but on Thursday January 15th I went to pick my son up from preschool only to find out he was wheezing, pretty bad I might add! When I dropped him off that morning he only had a runny nose, so this surprised me to say the least! So when the kids and I got home I gave him a nebulizer treatment. I waited a while to see if it would work for him and it did not. It had been a hour by this point so I gave him another one. That one didn't work either! So I of course gave his doctor's office a call and they told me to bring him in. His appt was at 4:20. When we got there they gave him a nebulizer treatment. Didn't work! Gave him another, didn't work either! They were concerned that he was having such a hard time breathing that they sent us over to Providence Milwaukie Hospital ER! By this point I had already talked to Rusty and told him what was going on. He ended up meeting us over at the hospital. Thank God for that! My daughter, I love her to death, but she can be attention greedy on a normal day so when you add little brother needing more attention then usual she goes on overdrive lol! I try my best of course to show her some because it is hard when your this age but having dad in the picture helped out alot! I was thankful this just happened to take place around the time he got off work! He would have totally left work if I needed him but I try to do as much as possible on my own.
Anyways we get to the hospital and they send us to a triage and get us signed in. Which entailed them having me take Isaac right back to a room and Rusty finishing up with all the insurance details and what not. So we get back to the room and they give him another treatment. By the time this is done Rusty and Makiya are back with us in the room. They told us that he was going to have to have some chest xrays done. So thinking that this was going to be a while I sent Rusty and Makiya to go get dinner for themselves, because by this time it was pushing dinner time! So two xrays and three nebulizer treatments later they decide that we need to have him admitted to a children's hospital for the night for observation!! So we go to Emanuel hospital by ambulance!! Never thought I would have my first ambulance ride with my three year old son!!
So when we get to Emanuel there is like 5 or 6 people crowded into Isaac's side of the room! All of which are deciding what to do! Meanwhile I have explained our story to all of them at different times lol! Mean while they have given him yet another treatment! They decide that he is going to need one every half an hour over night!! I was thinking man he is going to be a pro at these by the time this is done and he is lol! So they transfer him to the ICU. The only reason being that they have a respiratory therapist over there that can give him that much attention. In the children's ward they only have one RT that has to give them to all the kids that need them. So when we get over there we are told that he was going to have to get an IV. While hearing this I start feeling uneasy cause mind you in my lifetime I have received several of these! I hate them!! Through out all of this I have been right beside him holding his hand so of course I was going to be there for this too. One of the toughest things I have ever been through!!! So after all of this chaos things finally start to slow down and he falls asleep. They are able to give him treatments while he is sleeping because it only takes you breathing to do it :) So it is now after 12am! So considering Makiya couldn't spend the night cause she was under 18, Rusty and her went home to get some sleep! Makiya did amazingly well through out all of this!!! I was and am so proud of her!! So the next day Rusty gets back about noon. We decided to let Makiya sleep in until she woke up herself. Soon after they get there they moved Isaac out of the ICU to the regular children's ward!! We were so hopeful of his progress thus far! We get to our new room just to realize we have roommates!!! YAY!!! lol!! Not to mention that they have a million visitors! They cram us in the room which sends my claustrophobic self into overdrive lol! So I take this time to exit the situation with Makiya in tow and go home to shower and grab something to eat!
So after grabbing some balloons for Isaac :) and waiting for my Aunt to come over and follow my sister and I back to the hospital, we are off to go rejoin my little boy and hubby :) Thankfully when we got there all the "visitors" were gone and I was feeling less "stressed" about the situation! When my Aunt and Sis left they took Makiya with then (having roommates we didn't want to have her constantly being told to be quiet) My other Aunt agreed to watch her at our house for us until Rusty got back later that night! By this time Isaac was up from his nap and boy was he excited to have both mommy and daddy to himself :) So at this time in the game he wasn't hooked to any monitors and they had disconnected his IV (still had it in his arm) so we were able to take him for a little walk. We ended up finding this really cool playroom! We played there for a while seeing as how we had roommates and we didn't want to disturb them :) He likes to scream at times :) By the time we got back to our room, which was about 8pm (Isaac had a treatment scheduled at that time) we learned our roommate and her daddy were going to be released!! Woo Hoo!!! After they left I rearranged our side of the room to work better for us (with permission of course) About ten Rusty left for home and it was just Isaac and I for the night! Both Isaac and I got some decent sleep that night and that was really nice :) At 9am the next day his doctor came in and checked on him and told us he was OK to go home :) So we did!!! Rusty and I were so happy to have our family together again!!
phew what a long post!! Thanks to all who stuck in there till the end lol!
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